If you give any style of presentation or organize a BoF at ADASS XXIX, you are expected to submit a paper for the proceedings. Invited speakers and financial aid recipients are required to submit a paper; everyone else is strongly encouraged to do so. The Proceedings are published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) as part of their Conference Series. You can also find a concise list to all previous ADASS proceedings on our ADASS e-Proceedings link.

The deadline to submit the draft version of your paper is September 30, 2019, 23:59 CEST.
The deadline to submit the final version of your paper is November 1, 2019, 23:59 CEST.

If you do not submit a draft paper by the deadline, your contribution will not be included in the proceedings. You can upload your proceedings contribution through your personal profile page.

The proceedings editors are Roberto Pizzo, Erik Deul, Jan David Mol, Jelle de Plaa, Harro Verkouter and Rees Williams.

If you need to contact the proceedings editors, please use the Contact form.

Instructions for paper preparation

We provide a Proceedings package archive file and personalized latex template. Please enter into your personal profile page, go down to the contributions section and there you will find both the full Proceedings package with style files, check scripts and documentation available in a tar package. This package is also available here: ADASS2019.tar.

You can upload your proceedings contribution from your personal profile page, go down to the contributions section and there you will find an upload button for your contribution file/archive.

After download of both files save them in a suitable directory and unpack the tar file using the command:
tar xvf ADASS2019.tar.

Below, we show the README file of the ADASS2019.tar package. Please read this for further instructions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please submit your contributions through your personal profile page. An older version of the ADASS2019.tar file contains ftp instructions from last year which are incorrect. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Page limits

Proceedings contributions have the following page limits:
Invited Oral Papers: 10 pages
Contributed Oral Papers: 4 pages
Poster Papers: 4 pages
Focus Demos: 4 pages
Tutorials: 4 pages
BoFs: 4 pages
Demo Booths: 4 pages

Table of contents

This package of files is supplied to help you prepare papers for submission in the Proceedings for the ADASS 2019 conference held in Groningen, The Netherlands. Please follow the stepwise instructions below carefully, because the manuscript needs to be delivered to ASP in print quality. The more issues are solved early on in the process, the more time we all save.

The instructions below are intended to guide you through the process of preparing and submitting your contribution. We realize it is a lot of information and some of it is duplicated. If you need additional help, please see the list of documents below. From “too much” to “too little” information, we provide the following help documents in this tar file (except for your personal template):

  1. ASP Instructions for Authors and Editors (manual2010.pdf)
  2. Guidelines for preparing an ADASS paper (ManuscriptInstructions.pdf)
  3. README (This page)
  4. ADASS_template.tex (The general ADASS template, see ADASS2019.tar)
  5. P1-2.tex (Your personalized ADASS template, available on this site later)

At the end of this README, we also provide a file index with a short description of all the files present in the ADASS2019.tar file.

STEP 1: Prepare your manuscript

The best usage is to prepare your paper in this Author_Template directory. If you author two papers, that will work too, but preparing your tar or zip file is much easier if you use a parallel Author_Template.

Read the ManuscriptInstructions.pdf file. The ADASS_template.tex file gives you a basic template for your ADASS paper. For additional details look in the first section of the ASP’s Instructions for Authors and Editors, but note that this is now some years old and current requirements have changed slightly. In particular, ADASS papers that cite references MUST supply these references in a .bib BibTeX file like the example.bib file provided here.

You will need to run LaTeX on your .tex file, then run BibTeX to process the references, and then will need to run LaTeX again up to three times to get all the cross-references right. We recommend that you use the provided Makefile (see next subsection), but if you prefer building manually that should work as well. ASP does not use pdflatex, so try and stick to latex (we only allow EPS figures, not PNG or JPG; see below).

Editing your paper in Overleaf is also known to work: simply upload (as a ZIP file is the easiest) the template, the two asp2014 files, and optionally your BIB file and EPS figures. Don’t start from scratch, or your file will be likely named main.tex

Optionally in 2019 we have personalized templates, based on your abstract. Please see this page later for more information. The instructions within that template are even more terse than in ADASS_template.tex, so be warned if some of this material is new to you.

Using the provided Makefile

We provide a Makefile to help you build, check and package your paper in the correct way. To use it, you need to edit the makedefs file in this directory. In the makedefs file, you can define the P, V, A, E and FIGS macros, for example:

# Your proceedings paper ID code (the one with the dash, not dot):
P = P13-20
# Your version # (1,2,..) since you can only upload unique files
V = 1
# Your last name, e.g. Teuben
A = Teuben
# Your contact email address for submission issues
E = teuben@gmail.com
# Your EPS figures
FIGS = P13-20_*.eps

Please edit the makedefs file and NOT the Makefile directly. The entries in the makedefs file will override the ones set in the Makefile. When set correctly, you should be able to run the following make commands:

make pdf : Build the PDF file
make check : Check the manuscript for issues
make tar : Build the tar file
make all : Do all of the above

Adding subject index entries

It will help the ADASS editors if you add subject index entries for important terms mentioned in your paper. The Index.py script can help to generate these, and full details can be found in an appendix in ManuscriptInstructions.pdf.

In your document they should appear a commented \ssindex{} entries, e.g.


You can also use the following word-cloud type command chain in unix:

detex $(P).tex | grep -o -E '\w+' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

If your “unix” doesn’t have detex, use cat.

Adding ASCL index entries

It will help the ADASS editors if you add ASCL index entries for codes that you are mentioning in your paper. The ascl.py script can help to generate these, but it known to give lots of false positives. Nonetheless, you can cut and paste the correct ones (as a latex comment) in your document, e.g.

%\ooindex{TOPCAT, ascl:1101.010}

STEP 2: Check your manuscript

Your paper should typeset without generating any LaTeX errors or warnings. Overfull hbox warnings in particular need to be fixed. (In some cases underfull hbox and vbox warnings may be tolerable.)

The ‘make check’ command runs a python script which looks for a number of common problems that have been found in submitted papers. You should run it on your paper before packaging it up for submission, and should fix any problems it finds. This test is a copy of a basic paper checking program that will be run by the ADASS editors on all submitted papers.

It is also possible to run the check manually with the PaperCheck.py script. The header comments in PaperCheck.py describe how to run it in detail, but essentially all you have to do is:

PaperCheck.py Paper Author

where Paper is the identifier for your paper, eg O10-3 or P8-2 etc, and Author is the surname of the first author of the paper.

STEP 3: Package and submit your paper

You should create a .tar file with a name based on the identifier for your paper and including a version number, starting at 1. e.g. example P10-3_v1.tar. This should contain:

  • The .tex LaTeX file
  • The .bib file defining any cited references
  • And .eps graphics files used by the paper
  • The makedefs file
  • The resulting .pdf file for the paper, so we can see how you got it.
  • A signed copyright form.

The provided Makefile could help you to build, check and package the paper. Make sure that you have edited the makedefs file, where the macros P, A, E, V and FIGS should be defined. This makedefs file is automatically included in your tar/zip file.

The command to build, check, and package the manuscript is:

make pdf check tar

If there are problems typesetting your paper, your copy of the .pdf file for the paper will at least show the editors what you expected it to look like. If you have already supplied a paper copy of the copyright form, you do not need to include this. Note that electronic signatures are not acceptable – sign the form and scan it.

(Zip files are also acceptable, using the same naming convention, e.g. P10-3_v1.zip.)

Submit the paper

Submit the .tar file through your personal profile page. If you need to submit a revised version, submit ALL the required files in a new .tar file – do not just submit the modified files – and append a version number to the name, e.g. P10-3_v2.tar.

To sum up, here is an example of the files (no directories please) that the editors like to see:

you really don’t need to send us *any* other type files. Save the electrons!

File index

The ADASS2019.tar package contains the following files:

README This file
Makefile Useful for those who like terminal commands
makedefs Author macros to be included by the Makefile
ManuscriptInstructions.pdf Guidelines for preparing an ADASS paper
ADASS_template.tex An example template file for an ADASS 2018 paper
example.bib An example BibTeX file used by ADASS_template.tex
example.eps An example graphics file used by ADASS_template.tex
ADASS_template.pdf The result of running LaTeX on ADASS_template.tex
asp2014.bst The required ASP bibliography style file
asp2014.sty The required ASP LaTeX style file
PaperCheck.py A Python script used to check an ADASS paper
Index.py A Python script used to generate subject index entries
Aindex.py A Python script
FixUnprintable.py A Python script
ascl.py A python script to suggest ASCL entries
AdassChecks.py A Python module used by PaperCheck.py
TexScanner.py A Python module used by AdassChecks.py
AdassConfig.py A Python module used by Index.py
AdassIndex.py A Python module used by Index.py
subjectKeywords.txt Set of recent subject index entries, used by Index.py
asclKeywords.txt List of ASCL codes for the ascl.py checker
manual2010.pdf The ASP “Instructions for Authors and Editors”
copyrightform.pdf The ASP copyright form

Although each ADASS conference will draw its proceedings preparation package, the original github repo from which that package is drawn, is available on https://github.com/astroumd/ADASSProceedings. Typically each year will develop the new release on a branch (e.g. “2019” for the Groningen version) and merge this back to the master for the next year team goes to work.

Authors will not need to know about that, but you may run into some editor specific comments or commands in the Makefile or the python scripts.