Logistics and touringcar bus departure times

Date: Tuesday 8 October
Time: 20:00-23:00 hrs
Venue: restaurant ‘De Rietschans’, Meerweg 221, Haren (close to Groningen).
Phone +31 (0)50 8510520

Transportation by touringcar bus to and from the restaurant is arranged for all participants both from Groningen city centre and conference venue MartiniPlaza.

Kindly wear your name badge for networking reasons. The badge also contains the ticket with your dinner choice.

Departure times touringcar bus 

Please be on time since the buses will not wait!

– 19:30 hrs: departure time Groningen city centre. Location: Parking ‘Q-park Ossenmarkt‘. Street address: Spilsluizen 25, Groningen. Bus company name: ‘Doornbos’. For google maps location you can also click here.
– 19:40 hrs: departure time conference venue MartiniPlaza
– 23:00 hrs return trip after dinner: all buses will first go to conference venue MartiniPlaza, and afterwards go to Parking ‘Q-park Ossenmarkt’ in the city centre.

If you still need to register for ADASS2019: participants are requested to register for the dinner in case they wish to join. Costs for the dinner are not included in the standard registration fee. The additional costs are mentioned in the registration page.