Poster Abstract

P.6 Jake Noel-Storr (Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen)

Preparing Future Generations For and With Astronomical Data Analysis

There is a growing need both within, and outside of, astronomy for individuals who are proficient and handling large, complex, data sets in new and innovative ways. Action is required now to ensure future generations have these necessary skill sets. I present both the detail of skills required to fill this need, and educational strategies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, at all educational levels that promote the development of these proficiency on a larger scale. I also present ways in which genuine astronomical data can itself be used as the basis for such educational strategies -- allowing learners to engage directly with real data during their development of these practical astronomy skills, thus ensuring that they will be more fluent in the issues of genuine data sets in the future world. Finally, I remind learners and instructors that these skills developed to work with astronomical data sets are now increasingly transferable skills which can be applied to many data challenges of today and tomorrow.