Poster Abstract

P.4 Kathleen Labrie (Gemini Observatory)

Time Domain Astronomy with DRAGONS at Gemini Observatory

Gemini Observatory is gearing up to be a leader in the new era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy and Time Domain Astronomy (TDA) that will be enabled, in particular, by LSST. Gemini is already supporting rapid response to target of opportunity observation requests but needs to bring that expertise to a whole new level to meet the upcoming demand.

One of the large components of the TDA support infrastructure is a rapid nighttime “quick look” reduction pipeline and a data distribution system. At the center of the data reduction software is DRAGONS, Gemini’s new data reduction platform. GOA, the Gemini Observatory Archive, is the main actor for the distribution of the raw data and the “quick look” reduction products.

This paper discusses the data reduction portion of the project, from raw data on disk to processed data available from the GOA, including the objectives, challenges and new tools being developed.