Poster Abstract

P3.18 Wathela Alhassan (Inter-university Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy at the University of Cape Town)

Theme: Data science challenges: tools from statistics to machine learning

The FIRST Classifier: compact and extended radio galaxy classification using deep Convolutional Neur

Upcoming surveys with new radio observatories such as the Square Kilometre Array will gen- erate a wealth of imaging data containing large numbers of radio galaxies. Different classes of radio galaxies can be used as tracers of the cosmic environment, including the dark matter density field, to address key cosmological questions. Classifying these galaxies based on mor- phology is thus an important step towards achieving the science goals of next generation radio surveys. Radio galaxies have been traditionally classified as Fanaroff–Riley (FR) I and II, although some exhibit more complex ‘bent’ morphologies arising from environmental factors or intrinsic properties. In this work, we present the FIRST Classifier, an online system for automated classification of Compact and Extended radio sources. We developed the FIRST Classifier based on a trained deep Convolutional Neural Network model to automate the morphological classification of compact and extended radio sources observed in the FIRST radio survey. Our model achieved an overall accuracy of 97 percent and a recall of 98 percent, 100 percent, 98 per cent, and 93 per cent for Compact, BENT, FRI, and FRII galaxies, respectively. The current version of the FIRST classifier is able to predict the morphological class for a single source or for a list of sources as Compact or Extended (FRI, FRII, and BENT).